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jerry w. marshall is a visual and textual artist based in los angeles. his visual art evolved out of his book "dear daisy,". the core technique he incorporates in his visual art is decoupage, the layering and lacquering of his own and other texts, photographs, etc. he transformed a gallery space where he is living (one is reminded of kurt schwitters' "cathedral of erotic suffering") by coating and covering every wall, piece of furniture, and surface, in order to create the experience of living in his book. like joseph beuys, marshall's creative process has a shamanic, healing power. he redeems discarded and unwanted objects and furniture by transforming them through his process of layering, thus elevating them from the forgotten and ordinary to the sacred and sublime. his is an aesthetic of redemption.

-deborah zafman, ph.d.
zafman-greenberg art advisory
new york